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Welcome to CucumberLAB! We support individuals' physical and mental health through food and community engagement. We work hard to bring you the best through ingredients, recipes, workshops and atmosphere in your student life! Do you want to know more?

Group of Asian college students taking a picture

Alexandra Skirkowski

" I love CucumberLAB! I have bery busy schedule during the term and I use to fail eating healthy or on time. I was usually too stressed to cook longer recipes and reached out to pre-packaged food. But because everything is so close now, I cook more often and found more friends."

About Cucumber Lab

Our enterprise, CucumberLAB, provides a structured and detailed plan for a university-based communal kitchen and new food store. Based on a circular economic principle, these communal hubs source fresh food from local community projects to sell to students. Students return food waste, which is collected and given back to the suppliers for composting. Alongside, we have an open-source, bookable kitchen for students to use and cook together to enable community eating. Cooking workshops and menu cards take place weekly and are focused to ease, nutrition and low cost.
CucumberLAB is a holistic hub that promotes healthier food choices, providing sustainable and economically viable food, education and community building.

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